Sunday, 10 June 2012

Asexual pornography, and appologies for the gap.

Wow it’s  been… some time… between posts, hasn’t it. The thing I’m apparently most interesting when I talk about, or at least slightly less boring than usual. So:

One of the most apparently obvious stereotypes about asexuals is that we must have a load of free time, since we don’t spend so much time thinking about sex. I can see why you’d think that, actually. No offence, but sexual people* do come of as the teeniest bit obsessed with the whole squicky business. That’s why asexuality – and LGBTAQA+** issues are even issues in the first place. So, logically, since we don’t spend all our time thinking about spending time far too close to a load of mostly-hairless apes with an annoying tendency to ooze various liquids, and since we don’t spend massive amounts of time and energy trying to bring about such a situation about, we must have masses of spare time and energy. So just think of all the stuff we must be able to get done! Etcetera.

Unfortunately, that idea is… somewhat inaccurate. Personally, if my productivity was any lower, I’d probably progress backwards. I’d walk into a room, and things that were finished would become slowly undone. Actually, that might be a fairly awesome superpower. If nothing else, I could make cookies back into cookie dough… Anyway, because of this, there’s a fairly popular thing for asexual bloggers and so on to do, which is to write about something called ‘asexual porn’. Now, there is actually an asexual porn video on the internet somewhere. It involves cake. Delicious, delicious cake, and someone eating it. It’s funny enough that I’d like to link to it, but unfortunately I can’t find the bloody thing, and I don’t really want to delay this post much longer. The normal definition of the term, though, is the stuff that we do instead of porn. So, being me, I decided to a top-ten list, based on how much I do it, and how close it is to filling the same kind of role. So porn is pretty much exactly the same as porn, but I don’t look at it, so that doesn’t make it onto the list. Taking pills to mitigate the effects of my medical condition**** is something I do a lot, but it doesn’t really compare that closely to pornography*****, so that doesn’t make it onto the list either. So, list:

10: Learning random trivia
This might not seem so close to porn. The comparison between Steven Hawking’s ‘A Brief History of Time’ and Trixie does Texas (I think that’s right. I really don’t want to Google it) is not exactly a close one. And yeah, it’s not the closest comparison. It’s less a substitute for porn, more ‘what I do instead of it’ – when I’m bored of actually concentrating on things, and don’t want to actually think. And when I say ‘random trivia’, random is probably operative as a word – game theory, liberal philosophy, tvtropes, the Discworld Companion, Wikipedia. As a result, I have a rather vast bit of ‘random trivia that will never be useful in a million years’. And yet it’s still by far the thing I replace porn with that’s the most helpful to me. It’s on the list because the mental state is probably similar, and because I do it quite a bit.

9: Eating/Sleeping
Yeah, these are basic necessities. Porn, no matter how straight people might talk about it sometimes… isn’t. I’m one person who should know that. I’m less talking about knocking myself out every night for six hours, and fuelling myself on a thousand or so kcal a day (yeah, both of those figures are about accurate for me quite often). It’s more using them as luxury – the mindless sensual pleasure of that kind of thing, of eating fresh brownie mix rather than putting all of it in the oven. Would probably be higher up, but I don’t do it that often, to be honest.

8: Fantasising
There is no life I know to compare with that of pure imagination. I like that quote. Yeah, just indulging by wandering through completely internal stuff is pretty much an exact substitute for porn. Straight people use it too, from what I understand. The difference is, large parts of the purely self-indulgent parts of the imagination of a straight person might resemble a porn film. Mine doesn’t.

7: Being actually sociable
This is really, really low on the list, compared to where it might be, simply because of how far it is from the rest of the list. The mental state involved in being social is completely different from the mental state I imagine people have when they’re looking at porn. If it’s not, I may have to seriously reconsider how I think about straight people. And I’m not actually that sociable a person – not because I don’t like people, more because you lot are bloody scary. So why’s it on here? Basically because of one of the things I use to model sexual attraction – one of the things I sometimes say is that where most people have a sex drive, I have a romance drive. So even though there are obvious differences between sex and romance, I use romance to model people’s attitudes to sex to some extent. I was going to say that it was like using three to approximate pi, but, honestly, it’s closer to using two. But even despite the differences, and even despite the fact that I tend to actively try to avoid any kind of romanticy part of conversations, there’s still a pretty close connection between friendship and romance (though they’re certainly not the same thing, as I think I may have mentioned. Repeatedly), so it to some extent fulfils some of the same need. So I thought it deserved a place on the list, if not a high one.

6: Half listening to cartoony-things.
Cartoony things are awesome. Things like the Nostalgia critic. I’m pretty good at multitasking, and it’s a good way to release mental pressure and unwind. Cartoony things refers to the level and style of things, not their actual animatedness. So the Zero Punctuation counts. Death Note… really doesn’t. So yeah, similar reason to why I might watch porn, just not involving naked people.

5: Retail therapy
Is one of the easiest ways I have to cheer myself up is spending money. So I only really do it when I’m feeling incredibly depressed. Looking for new things, getting the best prices – something I do for pure and absolute pleasure, and no other reason. So nothing else to say, really, it’s getting pretty close to the reasons for which I think people look at porn – pure pleasure – but I only do it when I’m depressed, the quality of it is a lot different from pornography, and there’s something later on I think is a better explanation.

4: Reading romance novels.
Now we get onto the more traditional things for a list like this. This could quite easily be a top five list, actually, but I decided that it would be a top ten list, and I’m damned if I’m going to let a little thing like complete and utter impracticality change my mind. That is not my way! I tend not to read romance novels when I have a severe cold, which has led to me describing them as ‘chicken soup’ novels. Obviously, there are some pretty good exceptions to that – the most famous being Jane Austen, but the thing about romance is that it’s really, really hard to actually write well. So yeah, most romance novels are pretty meaningless fluff. And like I said, the similarities between my attitude to love and most people’s attitudes to sex means that reading romance novels is probably in some ways the closest I can get to porn. But like I said, there are some incredibly clear distinctions between ‘sex’ and ‘love’, and I don’t read romance novels that often, so this goes down to number four on the list.

3: Admiring pretty stuff
My interest in aesthetics is probably something I’ve mentioned at least a few times, but it bears repeating, I like looking at beautiful objects. Which is basically in a way what porn is. You look at things you find beautiful – naked people of your preferred gender or genders. I look at things I find beautiful – forests, buildings, clothing, poetry, paintings, and other stuff. I sometimes spend hours looking through sites like desktop nexus, and finding pictures like this: 

Which is one of the bet things I’ve ever seen. Ever. But when it comes to looking at pictures of pretty things, there’s a better one that comes in next with:
2: Window Shopping
This is really close to the ‘retail therapy’ thing above, except without any actual monetary expenditure. It’s also really, really common – that’ why window shopping is a common term, after all. So yeah, I’ll spend ages looking through things I wish I could buy, finding the best prices, etc., and not actually buying it. A particular thing I tend to look at is clothing and fashion – which is still common, which is why ‘cloting porn’ is a famous term. One of my favourite ‘you know you’re asexual when…’ stories is that when looking through various pages of clothing, coming across a woman in a corset, a presumably attractive woman, since she was a model (I’m pretty sure it was the corset she was meant to be modelling, actually), I had one single immediate and overwhelming response. ‘I want that hat.’
To be fair, it was a really nice hat. Typically, the site wasn’t actually selling it, but that was probably a really good thing anyway, since I might’ve accidentally bought it. But yeah, spending hours looking through things like Amazon, Clockwork Couture, etc. just to look at the pictures, with no immediate intention of buying anything, is pretty much as close as an asexual can get to actual pornography. Except, of course, I put it at number 2.
1: Going ‘awww’ over cute stuff.
Because number one is awesome cute things. There’s an asexual teddy-bear who wears a t-shirt marked ‘the only one I sleep with’. Personally, I’m less into teddy bears, and tiny little awesome creatures – cats, hamsters, snails, rabbits, rats and awwwww. Not dogs though. For some reason, they’re just about the only animal I don’t like, for some reason. The truth is, for all that I gush about aesthetics, a cute little fluffy thing can just about produce a stronger emotional reaction in me more consistently than most refined beauty. I don’t honestly know which is more sexual, my attraction to a butterfly, or my attraction to a kitten, but I’m pretty sure that they’re quite a way from a sexual’s experience of sexual attraction. I really hope so anyway. But cute stuff is more primal, generally stronger, and less intellectual in its nature (though my appreciation of aesthetics can be pretty non-intellectual in places). And so cuteness just about beats out beauty for my top spot.

That was long. But I have to write another forty six words to reach two thousand, so I’m just going to ramble a little. Ummm… sorry I was away for so long, I’m nearly certain I won’t have such a huge gap next time.

*As a note, I have a bad habit of accidentally replacing ‘sexual’ with ‘straight’. I try to avoid doing it as much as possible, or at least to correct myself when I do it. I’m guessing you can probably work out why it’s something I do.
**69 points in Scrabble. Not quite as good as good as my favourite word, zqyjxyk, which means ‘I just won this game of scrabble’***.
***Ébópúmá means the same thing in Irish, and may actually be even harder to pronounce.
****Which reminds me that I should in fact do so around now, actually.
*****There’s an except joke there somewhere. Not a clue where, but I’m pretty sure it’s there.

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