Unfortunately, I'm also a lifelong fan of The Ballad of Reading Gaol. So this could get ugly. Yes, I know a lot of people have already explained why what he said is... utter rubbish*. But I don't care. I need to savage something, and this is recent enough to be somewhat relevant. For those of you who don't know, Tony Garris is a comic book artist, who said some stuff which was mildly objectinable to some people. I was planning just to quote the bits of what he Said** that I disliked, but so little ended up being left out that I decided to just do the whole thing. So here it is, line by line, what he said, and why he probably shouldn't have done so.
I cant remember if Ive said this before, but Im gonna say it anyway. I dont give a crap.
Oh, great! You're the last person we can expect long, angry, offensive rants from, then? I mean, if you don't care, then it shouldn't matter to you, right? So I guess I can just finish here if you're not...
I appreciate a pretty Gal as much as the next Hetero Male. Sometimes I even go in for some racy type stuff ( keeping the comments PG for my Ladies sake) but dammit, dammit, dammit I am so sick and tired of the whole COSPLAY-Chiks.
Oh joy. There's more. I must say, though, I'm glad he's keeping it PG. I mean, I wouldn't want any of this to get crude. But, anyway, we've done with his introduction, we're getting into the really bad stuff. Onwards!
I know a few who are actually pretty cool-and BIG Shocker, love and read Comics.So as in all things, they are the exception to the rule.
Can I just interject here to say that he's offered absolutely bloody nothing to convince me that his 'exception' is so exceptional as all that, really. What Harris is saying here is that there are girls at comic conventions who actually care about comics. Yeah, groundbreaking stuff, that. Then he's implied that they're in a minority. This would be surprising.
Heres the statement I wanna make, based on THE RULE: “Hey! Quasi-Pretty-NOT-Hot-Girl, you are more pathetic than the REAL Nerds, who YOU secretly think are REALLY PATHETIC.
Minor aside: why is it relevant if the girl is 'hot' to you? Why is this an issue? Would everything you're going to describe from here on out be perfectly fine if it was a 'hot' girl doing it? Someone has to meet your personal standards of attractiveness before they're allowed to wear skimpy clothing, is that it? What is wrong with you?
Also, those speech marks there? I'm pretty sure that they never close.
But we are onto you. Some of us are aware that you are ever so average on an everyday basis. But you have a couple of things going your way. You are willing to become almost completely Naked in public, and yer either skinny( Well, some or most of you, THINK you are ) or you have Big Boobies. Notice I didnt say GREAT Boobies? You are what I refer to as “CON-HOT”. Well not by my estimation, but according to a LOT of average Comic Book Fans who either RARELY speak to, or NEVER speak to girls.
OK, a lot of that comes pretty much under what I just said, giving the impression that people who don't meet Tony Harris' personal standards of attraction should keep their shameful bodies hidden from view. With, of course, a healthy dose of insulting people who find the 'wrong' people attractive. Thanks, Harris. Thanks a lot. And then there's the other bit. Let's let him dig himself a little deeper, shall we?
Some Virgins, ALL unconfident when it comes to girls, and the ONE thing they all have in common?
Yeah, remember when he was talking about how these girls secretly think comic book are pathetic? I'm beginning to think there might've been the tiniest bit of projection in there somewhere. This seems like a good time to establish my credentials. I'm not, in any real sense of the term, a 'comic book fan'. I've read the really famous ones - like Watchmen, Death Note and Sandman - and I know who all the people are, but I don't exactly go out and buy the new issues every week. On the other hand, I've been to (non-comic) conventions, and I've cosplayed. As Two-Face. So I do feel that I'm close enough to the people he's insulting to be incredibly insulted by this. This is his description of 'average comic book fans': people, some of whom are virgins, who rarely or never speak to girls, and who all lack confidence dealing with women. No. Just... no. Go away. You are wrong, and not only are you wrong, you are also incredibly insulting to every single comic book fan ever, and I would like you to stop now, please. You're accusing these women of yours of secretly thinking that comic book fans are pathetic? well, then the difference between them and you is that they have the courtesy to make it a secret. Go. Away.
The are being preyed on by YOU. You have this really awful need for attention, for people to tell you your pretty, or Hot, and the thought of guys pleasuring themselves to the memory of you hanging on them with your glossy open lips, promising them the Moon and the Stars of pleasure, just makes your head vibrate.
I'll comment on this section in a bit, but can I just say that that is rather odd bit of imagery. It makes your head vibrate? What? Is that an expression. Is it just me? Do other people's heads shake violently when they're happy? Is... is that something that happens?
After many years of watching this shit go down every 3 seconds around or in front of my booth or table at ANY given Con in the country, I put this together.
And here we have his 'evidence' for his claims about the majority of women. The women he knows aren't like that, of course. But the ones he doesn't know? Who he just sees outside his booth? well obviously they're shallow 'faux geeks' who're just there to manipulate the poor pathetic men of the con. The fact that he doesn't actually know these people is irrelevant - the wise Tony Harris can just tell that those evil harpies are up to no good.

Well not just me. We are LEGION.
Oh, right. False alarm everybody. It's not Harris saying these things after all. He's actually possessed by that one group of demons from the Bible. Phew, I was really worried for a moment there.
Like I said, I've been to several cons. Let's talk about DWCon 2012. I, as my love of footnotes (and the fact that I've probably mentioned it before) probably tells you, am something of a Terry Pratchett fan. But this isn't about my great taste in literature. At the Discworld Convention, there were a lot of people who hadn't read all the books. There were people who hadn't read more than one or two. There might even have been people there who hadn't read any (poor memory, sorry, I am genuinely not sure if any of the adults were completely devoid of Discosity). So, of course, we chased them down, lynched them, and hung them from the hotel balconies. Oh, wait, no, that's cults, not conventions. There is no minimum threshold of knowledge about a character you have to have before we will welcome you into our fold. The idea that we're this exclusive, borderline xenophobic group who won't accept new people and will exclude you for being different isn't only bloody stupid, it's also one of the most damaging stereotypes there could possibly be about us. Not to mention being the exact same thing we're always complaining at the mainstream for. And if you don't know anything about a character except that you think they look cool? That's awesome. And cons are a chance to dress like that without people judging you. Or locking you up.
Now, just to try to be entirely fair to Tony Harris, yes, there exist girls who'll use the fact that they're considered conventionally attractive to get some advantage. There's a guy called Pavlov who might suggest that if someone gets a consistently positive response from doing something, it's really not that surprising if they do it. And they're only at fault for it if you genuinely believe that men can't control themselves around attractive females. Now, I'm asexual, so I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think that's an entirely accurate assessment. And even if you think it is unforgivable, there are about seven thousand million people on this planet. You'd expect all kinds to exist. It reflects on the female part of the population about as much as... say... Tony Harris, to pick a random example, reflects on the male part. Not to mention that 'takes advantage of being found attractive' is not really the same thing as 'enjoys being stared at by idiots'. If Mr. Harris had complained about girls trying to get free stuff or discounts for that kind of thing? That might be slightly more believable***. Since I can just about believe that girls at Comicon might actually want comics... Oh, sorry, they don't really have any interest in comics. Being stared at? That's what they like. I forgot. But, like I said, seven hundred thousand people, there are probably a few girls who do enjoy that kind of thing. But even then, if someone like that is at Comicon, they probably are still interested in comics. Do you really think that these girls would pay for admission, would want to spend all day around guys who, according to you, disgust them, and would spend their entire day talking about something they have neither knowledge of nor interest in, just so that these disgusting pathetic losers could lech on them? I don't know if Harris knows this, but if even I'm aware of it, it's probably common knowledge: Women don't tend to enjoy strangers ogling their secondary sexual characteristics. They have a habit of not taking it as entirely complimentary. And you think that these girls are actually paying for the service?
That's taking the most beneficial line. Here's a crazy idea for you: women who dress up to look 'hot' or 'sexy' don't necessarily want you to stare at them. Especially not in a society that constantly mocks them for not looking their best like good little eye-candy for the male viewers****. That's why you don't tend to be able to identify asexuals by our careless combining of vomit green shirts with hot pink latex trousers. People can want to look nice for any number of reasons, and not all of them have to do with wanting to have your drool all over them. I'd say that most of them probably do just think that the character looks cool, but, well, the majority probably genuinely like the character. Crazy as it might sound, 'reading comic books' isn't actually a uniquely male thing. And a lot of the girls who really like comic books? Well, call me crazy, but I think there's a good chance they might be at comic conventions. So, having dealt with that stupid idea, back to more stupid ideas.
And also, if ANY of these guys that you hang on tried to talk to you out of that Con? You wouldnt give them the f–king time of day. Shut up you damned liar, no you would not. Lying, Liar Face.
OK then. Insulting and arguing with people who aren't there. Because it worked so well for Mr Eastwood, didn't it*****. Classy insults, there, too. Here's the thing. If they're really that desperate for attention, why on earth would they only accept it in cons? Why would they not be just as appreciative of it outside of cons? More, even, since they haven't had to get all in costume to do it. Even if we take what you're saying uncritically, it's still bloody stupid, and even self-contradictory. In his rush to make these women evil, he's completely abandoned the secondary concern of making these people rational, realistic human beings.
Yer not Comics.
No, they're women. The difference? You can put comics in binders.
Your just the thing that all the Comic Book, AND mainstream press flock to at Cons. And the real reason for the Con, and the damned costumes yer parading around in? That would be Comic Book Artists, and Comic Book Writers who make all that sh-t up.
And here's the crux. He, as part of the comic book artists and writers group that invented these costumes, is then complaining about people dressing up as these characters. What? And he's complaining that these people are taking away the attention that he so rightfully deserves. OK, I don't want to say that he's just jealous. But it kinda looks that way, doesn't it? If people were interested in you? The press would pay attention to you. Also, the obvious. The problem is, you cannot say that these costumes are perfectly fine when they were made by the writer, putting a fake woman into a costume she has no control over in order to titillate the reader. But when a woman decides of her own free will to wear that costume? Well then, she's obviously a shameless whore who only wants attention. You can't have it both ways. But other people can (and have) made that particular point a lot better than I can, and I think it's a pretty obvious one. Let's get away from this part, now.
So now I'm finished, yes? Well, unfortunately, I am naturally fair. By which I mean that I enjoy kicking people when they're down. So, let's look at how he tried to defend himself, shall we? These are the two defences I, personally, know about. I know, for example, that in his second defence he mentions twitter, and I have no idea what he said there. So yes, there might be something missing from this. But the defences he's given that I've seen, I will deal with. Firstly:
So I guess I broke the Internet in half today . Lots of interesting commentary, to say the very least. Didn’t realize that many people would care about one guys opinion.
I thought you were legion? No? Oh, OK then. Really, why should it matter how many people hold a view? Surely it's a mark of respect to engage with someone's views on their merits, not just dismiss them because it's only one guy holding them? No? We should dismiss opinions just because only one person's holding them? So how many people need to hold a view before it becomes worth our time? Why, yes, I am being somewhat factitious. Back to Harris.
Also extremely savaged and humbled by the vicious response that went so far beyond any reason whatsoever, with personal attacks on my family, my sexual history, and accusations of advances being rebuffed cosplayers, which has never ever happened.
I can't imagine why someone would think you'd had a bad experience in the past. That's clearly giving you way too much credit. Obviously you're getting this from the extensive experience of just watching people outside of your booth, not some kind of actual experience. Stupid of us. On another note, there is a terrible tendency amongst humans, that when you insult people, they get angry. I know. Crazy, isn't it?
My candor and my delivery of most things can be and usually is quite blunt.
Your candour is blunt. You... actually, to hell with it. Moving on.
Can’t help who I am, but what I’m not, and never have been is a misogynist or sexist or any number of things I was called.
OK, somewhat arguable, but whether or not you can help what you are, you can certainly help what you say. It is possible for you to not be sexist. And even if it weren't, it's possible not to draw attention to this unfortunate deficiency. And if you do, you certainly don't then get to deflect it because you 'can't help who you are'. And from that speech? Yes, you are bloody well sexist. I don't really think you're worth a big virtue ethics debate, but even if such a thing is possible, a non sexist who says sexist things isn't really any better than a sexist who does. Actually, you could argue that they're worse. And do you really think, Mr. Harris, that there is a single human being in today's world (or at any time, for that matter) who actually thinks that they are sexist and misogynist? Ernest Bax didn't think he was sexist, he just thought that it was an obvious fact that most women had difficulty outthinking a squirrel, in the same way that it's obvious that the sky is blue. In his mind, it was no more 'sexist' to point this out than it is ageist to say that a two-year-old is likely to have difficulty with advanced algebra. Calling yourself non-sexist is pretty much meaningless here.
I have the utmost respect for all the women in my life from my mother, my sister, motherinlaw, my wife and wonderful 2 daughters.
But some of my best friends are black... that doesn't sound convincing for some reason. Weird. And for the record, I don't get along very well with most of the female members of my family (and obviously I don't have a wife), and it turns out that I'm the one who seems to have more respect women as actual human beings. Weird how that one works out, ain't it. Two other things: all those people are related to you. Congrats, you love your family. This proves what, exactly? You were actually a lot better off when you said that you knew 'a few' girls to whom this didn't apply. Seriously, if that didn't work to balance out everything else you said, what on earth made you think that six family members would do it? The way you've phrased that, it sounds like those are the only women in your life. The way you've phrased it also leads me to think you may actually have more than two daughters, but I'm pretty sure that's a grammar issue. And if you do have a lot of women you know and respect, can I just say that it seems slightly off to me that you should have 'the utmost respect' for all of them? I mean, it seems fine, but expand it to say 'I have the utmost respect for everyone in my life'. Well then 'utmost respect' doesn't mean much, does it? Personally, there are quite a few people in my life who I don't have so much respect for as I do for others. I have more respect for people who helped me out when I needed it, or who made me see the world in a new way, than for those for whom those things are not true. There are people in my life whom I quite simply have not known well enough for long enough to acquire as much respect for as I have for others. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I have no respect for anyone I don't know. It's that there are people who I truly, genuinely, respect more than I respect some other people. If someone truly has the utmost respect for all the women in his life, either he really doesn't have many women in his life (surprisingly plausible now I think about it), or he doesn't make that distinction, and all women are basically the same to him. You could invent cold fusion, surf across Mexico on a tame dinosaur, and be proclaimed by a choir of angels as the Second Coming. Mr. Harris would not respect you for that. The one thing he respects you for - and by implication, the thing about you that is most important and deserving of respect - is that you are a woman. In normal circumstances, I'd say that that was me reading too much into what he said, and that he probably didn't actually mean that - he's just talking in a way I can read too much into. Six lines from the most innocent man alive is enough to condemn the guy, so, y'know, it's not outside the realms of possibility. Given his prior statements, though? I'm actually not so sure.
This is my final word on the subject so move on. I won’t address it again.
Yay! He won't be writing any more. Nope, no more writing for me to deal with, no more attempts to defend... wait, no, that wasn't true. Honestly, it's getting kind of sad now. Picking on Tony Harris is starting to feel a bit unfair at this point. Fortunately, I have a sadistic streak. So let's see what more stupidity we can find!
So heres my follow up commentary. Tried to “engage” my detractors on Twitter. Big mistake. Not gonna backpeddle. Not one step.
Mixed metaphor! And "engage" doesn't need the quotation marks. More significantly, like I said, I don't know what happened on twitter, my Internet is a bit slow at the moment, I'm not commenting on whatever it was.
I tried to be clear at the beginning by saying I know there are legit Cosplayers who know the material and love it. So if you wanna gloss over that and accuse my statements as being all inclusive of Cosplay, then blow me.
The problem is, you implied that 'legit' cosplayers were in a minority amongst women. You said there were 'a few' who were 'pretty cool'. Then you said that they were the exception to the rule. The thing about 'exceptions' to rules is that they are rare. They are implied to be in the minority. The fact is that you did make a general statement, and you dismissed the people who don't fit your rule as the freakish exceptions. And notice how he says 'all inclusive of Cosplay'? No gender words? Watch that, because this is absolutely beautiful.
See, this is why I posted this HERE, on MY page. You dont like it? Leave.
Don't like? Don't read. Everything I say is immune from all criticism ever. I should be allowed to speak of my hatred for all you perverted sexuals whose squirrel brains are so full of sex it's hard to tell you apart from most baboons. I should be able to say that there's an evil Zionist conspiracy trying to take over the world, and that they're the source of AIDS. Hell, I should be allowed to write stories about paedophilia, and publish them here. I mean, it's my page. You don't like it? Leave. I am immune to all criticism.
Also, my criticism of what you said, Tony Harris is on MY page. I think pretty much everyone who criticised you was doing it on their own pages. You don't like it? Leave.
Dont threaten to stop buying my work, because Im sure most of you who threw that gauntlet down, never did to begin with. Good riddance.
Yes, noone who criticised you for those statements was at all invested in comics, that's why they got so angry. They were looking at your page because of their complete lack of concern for your work. Okay, okay, he said most. I shouldn't overstate his words, because Heaven knows, I already have enough to work with. So I'll just say that I'm not sure I share his confidence and move on.
Hey all you self righteous f-ck-faces out there who are spewing even MORE hatred at me, than you accused me of spewing. pfffft. Really, thats how you come at me? Once you have moved on to hate on someone else….Good Riddance.
Like I said, people tend to get angry when you insult them. And, indeed, when you make them look bad. See, here's the thing. These people are expressing legitimate hatred of what you did, and by extension you, based on the fact that you are the kind of person who would say such a thing. Y'know, like the way many people would express significant hatred for Nick Griffin, based on him being the kind of person who would say some of the things he said******. You are expressing hatred of an entire group, and basing that on no evidence whatsoever - let alone on a text publicly available on the Internet that even one member of that group admits to writing. And complaining that they're being more hateful than you? Well, other than the fact that they have way, way more reason to be hateful, it kinda draws attention to the fact that you managed to 'spew' infinitely more hatred at this group of women than they were spewing at you, doncha think?
But the one thing I HAVE to address is the use of the word MISOGYNY. So I am a Misogynist? Why? Because I frown upon Posers who are sad, needy fakers who use up all my air at Cons?
Your air? I'm sorry, but your air? What the hell? Are you not getting enough air? Do you regularly suffocate at conventions? No? So what on earth makes air which you are not breathing and have no intention of breathing yours, exactly? And it's not just the fact that you frown on this behaviour - you pretty much took that it was negative as a given. It's that you declared that this group included the majority of female cosplayers. Let me make it simple for you. You are sort of like someone who says 'there are some good women in the world, but the rule is that women are whores', and who then, upon being called sexist, says 'Why am I sexist? Because I object to prostitution?' No, you colossal dullard, that is not the source of the objections to you. On a lighter note, notice how his entire original post was now about sad needy posers. Not quite what I remember, but keep watching.
Sorry, while you Cos”Play” Im actually at work. Thats my office. F–k you.
Qp;eln;afjkljh;ohal;irjfgjanht;lkafsjadsfljioeqpiurioqnvgnoqljurqiru[tu[pia[pori[poijinvi;lrjfiajioeur. Ahoiuqrioutohklnvlkrjfaoiutq[jgkjnz;kjfhoitgupoiq. Lihjfrouqhfnjgnvroqihtfgoaijklfja;kjhtopuqjiojgiht. Sqhoipjuipu. Dun do bheal, tu thoin. Ta me dairire, bi i do thost agus feisigh leat, tu chrionchnu leathcheann. Do chorp ar shiul o an diabhal, ta diabhal ro-mhaith ar do shon, tu plague ar an gcine daona. I wish you were an idiot in the Greek sense of the word, not just the English one, because then I wouldn't have to listen to you. I would never wish death on anyone, but I will say that I wouldn't wish you on the dead, you worthless creature. I'd say you were a baboon who learnt how to type, but that would be an insult to the educated masses of baboons everywhere. Hell, I'm not sure if calling you a plague might have been too much of an insult to germs. If he'd been writing about you, Shakespeare would've been forced to apologise to blocks, stones, and worse than senseless things. Just stop speaking, you utter bloody moron.
OK, I'll admit that that may have been a slight overreaction to what he just said. But it's a cumulative thing. I mean, I don't even have to explain why that if bloody stupid, do I? It is not your bloody convention Harris. You do not have the right to deny people the right to have fun there. You're like a guy who sets up a stall in front of the Parthenon and then complains about the tourists. No, scratch that, compared to you that guy is completely justified. What, you think the people at cons shouldn't be playing and enjoying themselves? Because you're working, everyone else there has to be serious on their holiday? It's not your office, because 'office' implies somewhere you have the faintest bit of right to. You do not have any right whatsoever to the dealer's hall, you are there by someone else's permission - just like everyone else, and the attendees? They don't owe you anything beyond the basic respect that one human shows another - and in your case, I'm not sure you even deserve that (sorry, that was unfair, I know, sorry, its just... GAH). It is not your convention, Mr. Harris, and you have no more right to be there than any other person in the room.
Not my clearest explanation ever, but the red haze makes it hard to type. Let's see if he can say something more sensible.
I actually dont hate women, I dont fear them either. Nor do I mistrust them. I do not portray or Objectify half naked women in my work. I never have.
That? Is a lie. I have seen some of Tony Harris' work. The concept that he has never portrayed a single half naked woman in his work is flat out incorrect. In fact, let's do a Google search. For 'Tony Harris coplay'. Then let's look a the third image down (at time of writing) - drawn by Tony Harris himself. Yes. I can plainly see that Mr. Harris has never portrayed any half naked women in his work. The woman's the one at the back, yes? It's just so gosh-darn conservatively drawn that I can't tell.
I have always been VERY vocal about my dislike of that practice, and that my view is and has been that T&A in comics is a Pox. If you wanna come at me with accusations of Misogyny and sexism, youll be wrong. I think there are several Hundred “PRos” I could rattle off that are doing a fine job of perpetuating that crap without ANY help from me.
Yes. There are. And not just in the comics industry. Which is why you should really stop helping them. Here's the thing: When he says that he's always been a vocal critic of T&A in comics, he may be telling the truth. I mean, I haven't found anything to say so, but I don't know the guy very well, and absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But since what he said - and is now defending - is a hell of a lot worse than T&A in comics, I don't think this would actually increase my respect for the man.
Its not helping to further our industry.
No, it's not. Neither, for that matter, are you. Point?
Hey haters, Im not sad, lonely, stupid, uneducated, gay, nor do I wear Assess for a Hat.
Well, about half right. I'm pretty sure you're uneducated, and you're almost certainly not gay. I'm willing to take your word that you're not lonely, too. In fact, you must be the opposite, if you can afford to alienate so many people. Actually, I think I might be onto something here. Are there too many people around you, Mr. Harris? Do you want them to go away? Are you trying to drive them away? Is that it?
Also, I genuinely don't know what denying wearing 'assess' on your head even means. Your hat doesn't look at things? You don't wear an assessor for a hat? What do you mean, Mr Harris? Tell me!
Im not a Sexist, and have been very vocal about the fact that its a GOOD thing to see so many female fans at shows, and I treat them with the same kindness and respect as I do ANY male fan I meet.
Well you did say that the ones you knew just happened, by complete coincidence, to be the good ones, where you know the bad ones just happen to be the ones you only glimpse outside your booth. Amazing, that. Or are you saying that if you meet a male fan, you treat him horribly and assume he's an attention seeking slut too? Or is this just more of you rewriting what you actually said in your head until it becomes defensible?
And here's another thing. Whatever you may have said about how good it is to see female fans at shows, you've pretty much invalidated to positive aspects of it with what you've said, because by that you've set yourself up as the arbiter of who gets to come to cons, and who doesn't. Who's a 'proper' fan, and who should stay away. It turns what you said into 'It's great to have so many female fans at shows, as long as they're the right kind of fans'. It's not your con, Tony Harris, you do not get to decide who is a 'good enough fan' to attend it, no matter how vocal a proponent of women at conventions you might be. You do not get to judge women you don't even know as 'not true fans'.
I guess the one mistake I made in my original post was that I excluded Men. Let me rectify that… SOME of you MEN, are as bad as SOME of the Women Cosplayers, I talked about earlier.
And the transformation is complete, like the caterpillar becoming a butterfly, the statement has completely shifted. I don't mind telling you, I find it bloody beautiful. It's like one of those magic eye pictures, which seems like it's moving when it's still the same, except it's the opposite - it completely changes without ever seeming to move. Seriously, just try to apply what he said to men. What, they dress up in revealing costumes and get all the sad, loser girls at the cons to hang all over them? This causes their heads to vibrate? They just do an image search for the most mainstream 'sexy' character? Seriously, read his original post, and just try to apply it to men. Oh, and apparently now he was talking about 'some' women. I must have been mistaken when I thought he said that this was the 'rule'. Oh, no, wait, he did say that. Does he maybe not understand what the word 'rule' means? Or does he mean that a very small minority of men are as bad as some of the less ostentatious of the women? Which, of course, makes everything else he said OK. Seriously, just try to change is original statement to include men. What I think his new 'original' statement was is 'some female cosplayers are attention seekers' (And I'd just like to say that the sentiment that cosplayers are attention seekers and not real fans is really not one that's needed, so thanks for that, Tony). Which, y'know, vaguely resembles his original statement, in the same way that an opposition to Israeli settlement-building resembles the ideology of Hamas. If he'd actually said 'some female cosplayers are attention seekers', I'm guessing he wouldn't have gotten so much of a response. It would still have been rather insulting (and would've had some rather nasty implications), but he could've avoided sexism charges by including men, and he would've gone in the 'annoying idiot' category, rather than the 'torches and pitchforks' category.
There. Oh and to all of you guys who are my friends, and pros who I work with, dont go and try and defend me or anything I wrote. Youll just get sh-t on.
Oh don't worry. Anyone who was going to defend what you said is probably going to end up earning a hell of a lot of ire anyway. And if they don't, they deserve to.
Thanks though. And lastly, Bleeding Cool, and Rich Johnston are Sh-thead, scumbags, and this isnt the first time his camp has come after me. F–ck you Rich.
I do not know who these people are, but I feel great affection for them. I feel that whatever crimes they have committed can probably be excused.
That's all I have of what Tony Harris has said on this topic. There might be more, but I think I've savaged him enough for one day.
That was actually really cathartic. I feel a hell of a lot better. I'll have to remember to do this again some time. Anyway, I feel like being aggressively fair to someone now, so let me explain the Catholic Church's view on abortion, or at least the official philosophical underpinnings. It is, surprisingly, not that the pregnancy is part of God's plan. Neither is it the Thomist argument against abortion being extended. These are both reasons the Church holds to oppose abortion, but they're not the main basis of the objection. Neither is it, really, that 'zomg you're killing babies'. It's slightly more subtle than that. The argument goes thusly: We do not know when an embryo becomes a baby. This is obviously true, since if you ask anyone, even someone pro-choice, they probably won't be able to give you an exact age of transition. And even if you manage to find two that can, they won't agree. Now, the argument goes, surely given this fact we should be as cautious as is humanly possible, not because we will kill babies, but because we might accidentally kill a baby, and although it's obvious that, yes, it's absolutely terrible that a woman should lose the right to her body. But surely it's better that she should suffer some temporary inconvenience unnecessarily, than that we should accidentally commit multiple infanticides. Surely anyone would agree that overcaution is by far the better option in this case? And so the Church argues that all abortions must be banned not because we will end up killing babies, but because we might, and because the risk is too great, and the consequences too horrible, to allow. Now, personally, I don't agree with that argument. I remain pro-choice, and I'm not going to go into why, since this post is long enough already. But I will say that, in my opinion it is absolutely the best, most convincing pro-life argument I have ever heard, and I'm not sure I've done it justice. It's certainly a lot more convincing and subtle than what usually gets trotted out by the pro-life crowd.
*I have been accused of having an overabundance of the English habit of understatement.
**See? I can capitalise random words for no reason too, Tony. Look how clever I am.
***Still a really offensive, pretty sexist generalisation, along with all the other problems a statement like that has. But slightly more believable.
****This is known as 'thatcher's blame'. Either because it covers all instances, or because it's what the evil nasty meanies did to Margaret Thatcher (forgetting for the moment that this is basically what the opposition has done to every PM ever - it's, like, their job).
*****That might've been a little mean, yeah. I'm sorry.
******For Americans who don't know who Nick Griffin is: he's sort of like Romney, except we all know how insane he is.
A NOTE: I am aware I left out the sinti, and that I am still doing so. For this, along with any other mistakes that may have been made (which are probably a result of my limited grasp of the language, combined with me not checking properly, being rather more concerned with 'being mad at Tony Harris') I apologise to native speakers for the mild butchering of their language.